The Benefits of Supplementing with Essential Amino Acids During Fasting

Sam Ayres

Fasting has become a popular health trend in recent years, with people looking to reap the benefits of improved metabolism, weight loss, and autophagy. However, many people are unaware that fasting can also lead to muscle breakdown. To protect your hard-earned muscle mass, it is essential to supplement with essential amino acids (EAAs) during fasting periods. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of taking EAAs while fasting and how they can help you reach your health goals.


 What are Essential Amino Acids?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are 20 amino acids that are found in all proteins, 9 of which are considered essential amino acids (EAAs). This means that the body cannot produce them on its own and they must be acquired through diet or supplementation. The 9 EAAs are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Of these 9 EAAs, leucine is considered the most important for muscle protein synthesis.

Benefits of Supplementing with EAAs.

1. Decreases Muscle Breakdown: Fasting can lead to muscle breakdown due to the decrease in insulin levels and the resultant increase in glucagon levels. Glucagon is a hormone that signals the body to break down glycogen (stored carbohydrates) for energy. This process also results in the release of amino acids from muscle proteins, which can be used for energy as well. By supplementing with EAAs during a fast, you can help preserve muscle mass by providing the body with an alternative source of amino acids.

2. Increases Muscle Protein Synthesis: In order for muscles to grow, they must first be broken down (through exercise) and then rebuilt (through protein synthesis). Protein synthesis is a process by which cells use amino acids to create new proteins. Leucine is the most important EAA for triggering muscle protein synthesis and thus helping muscles grow. When taken in conjunction with other EAAs, leucine has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis by up to 34%.

3. Boosts Metabolism: One of the main benefits of fasting is increased metabolism as the body becomes more efficient at burning fat for energy. However, this heightened state of fat burning can also lead to increased muscle breakdown if EAAs are not present in the diet. Supplementing with EAAs can help prevent this by providing the body with an alternative fuel source and preserving muscle mass.

4. Improves Autophagy: Autophagy is a process by which cells break down and recycle damaged proteins and organelles. This helps keep cells healthy and functioning properly. Fasting leads to an increase in autophagy as it provides a stressor that triggers the release of certain enzymes that promote cell recycling. While autophagy is generally considered a beneficial process, too much autophagy can result in muscle loss. Supplementing with EAAs during fasting periods can help minimize muscle loss by providing an alternative source of amino acids for autophagy.

5. Weight Loss: One of the main reasons people fast is for weight loss. And while fasting can help promote weight loss, it can also lead to muscle loss if EAAs are not present in the diet. Supplementing with EAAs ensures that your body has all the tools it needs to lose fat while preserving precious muscle mass.

6. Improves Mental Focus: Fasting has been shown to improve mental focus and concentration as it helps clear out brain fog and allows you to think more clearly.

 Taking essential amino acids while fasting has a host of benefits that can help you reach your health goals including promoting weight loss while preserving muscle mass, boosting metabolism, improving autophagy, and increasing mental focus. If you exercise in a fasted state, consume Essential Amino Acids before you exercise to maintain a high level of amino acids in the blood. By ensuring that your body has all the tools it needs during a fast, you can maximize its ability to burn fat and improve overall health.

So if you're looking to reap all the benefits of fasting without any of the drawbacks, make sure to supplement with essential amino acids!